
Recommended System Specifications

The following system specifications are recommended for submitting an ID photo.

  • 【Operating System】

    Windows 10 or later,
    Mac OS X 10.4 or later

  • 【Browser】

    Internet Explorer : latest edition
    Firefox : latest edition,
    Safari : latest edition,
    Google Chrome : latest edition,
    Microsoft Edge : latest edition

  • 【Operating System】

    iOS8 or later,
    Android4.1 or later

  • 【Browser】

    Google Chrome,
    *The site may not work in the standard browser installed with Android 4.x. In that case, please use Google Chrome to submit your photo, or submit the photo from a PC.

  • This website is not optimized for OS versions other than the above, other browsers, or devices such as tablets or feature phones.
  • However, even if the above recommended system specifications are met, there may be display bugs or unusable features in some cases due to the combination of browser and OS. (This includes beta or preview versions of browsers, and the use of some add-ons.)
  • We will look into support for new browsers as necessary, but we cannot guarantee proper display or stable operation due to bugs in browsers not shown above.